Dont ignore the mirror

The mirrior has no opinion about us all it does is show us our own refelection, I would rather argue that it is our God given continous that screams at us.

Many people have chosen to ignore the mirror as if the mirror spoke and told them lies, how could we allow ourselves to be fooled by that as if we are not aware of the flaws we carry the lies that we have told ourselves so much that we suddenly believe them with true conviction. The biggest misfortune in ones life is not that we have somehow lost our “self confidence” no, rather it is that we have lost failed to listen to the truths our inner man utters when we look at ourselves in the mirror. It is true that we should block out the noise and confront it head on with the honest and spotless word of God, but most of is know that that which the mirror is reflecting back is true and should not be ignored.

Could it be that God is using the mirror to shape you into the image of his Son, could it be the loud echos that sound as if they are coming from the mirror could be the Holy Spirit speaking. Dont run away from your mirror it is the one thing that wont hide a single thing from you.

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