Life without Christ is meaningless and grey

As I start of this blog it must be stated that in no way am I an expert on Darwinism nor am I well acquainted with his literature, my stance on him is quiet bias and that should be noted before you dive into this post any further. As a Christian I am one that is fascinated by table debates especially when two minds from opposing fronts sit together and have a intellectual discussion on issues that pertain to human existence and the establishment of moral frame works that we now currently have available to us.

A discussion titled Have Science, Reason and Humanism replaced faith? between Steven Pinker and Nick Spencer highlighted different points about how humanism and faith are similar at the surface but how their moral frame works and general out working are different at both extremes at the core click here to view the debate for a much more in-depth understanding.

I spent my time trying to find the reasoning behind Nick Spencers stance that argues at one point that faith is more destructive than it is beneficial, but my answer to his intellectual dilemma and tainted outlook is that I can not see any meaning to life without Christ, I can not bare to consider life as a result of matter and chance, especially seeing the complexities of the human genome or when I glance at the birth of a new born infant or feel the radiance of the freshly risen morning sun grace my skin, to think of my life as random and purposeless is a thought I can no even begin to fathom.

As I come to the end of this post I see of how deprived I am at times and humanisim just wont do for me, I consider how wicked and deprived I am at times. I can not bare to think of humanism as a logical outworking based on my own biases and flaws that ever so often show up.

I am reminded that I am deeply flawed and was beyond redemption, If it wasn’t for the redemption message of Jesus Christ I would have been a man without meaning and purpose contributing nothing but destruction to a already bleeding world. Through the laws of Christ and the call to love the world makes much more sense Gods work of redemption through his Son Jesus may seems like a story filled with pain and cruelty but deep in the core of it is a Father that loves me without limits and a Son that was willing to give me another chance at life and meaning.

We are all products of purpose and their is hope in the finished work of Christ.

In closing lets read 1 Corith 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. happily, the claim that life without a certain religion is “meaningless and grey” is false and demonstrates that theists must hope that everyone but them is unhappy in order to pretend they are special. The mere existence of a happy person who doesn’t agree with them is terrifiying.

    1. To come to this point is a clear indication that you did not read this article.

      1. and that is a typical false claim by a Christian. amazing how often that happens when your bible has your god saying to never lie, no matter what. Do read Romans 3.

        You claimed that life without your version of your religion is meaningless. That is nonsense.

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