Under construction 🏗

For all of you that have been at construction site it wasn’t a pleasant experience I bet, the soil being plowed huge machines destroying while others stand in wait to come and rebuild the vision. As the walls of the house or building get chiped at and the ground gets wholes digged into it one…

Look Forward

As time passes we always have this tendency to regret some of the choices we have made, we hang our head in despair and roll our eyes in disbelief. Pondering on the past can be a weighty affair and can become an overwhelming task, it can lead you down a rabbit whole of no return…

Listen to the wise

Inspiration Scripture The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.Proverbs 12:15 NIV Inspiration So often as we scroll through our social media feeds we get people telling us to avoid “haters” those people that don’t agree with us or think the way we think, people that are “toxic” they…

Motivated by LOVE

As a firm believer in Christ I have to be honest as to what motivated me to share the gospel and it is not what you think. Often times we all share the gospel from a somewhat selfish place we thinking we would be getting brownie points for sharing Gods message, I have to be…

Do ALL Christians have the Holy Spirit

Before I start of it has to be noted that there are a lot of misconceptions about those that have the Holy Spirit and those that do not, many people are made to feel small and second class within the body of Christ simply because they can not speak in tongues or jump around like…